How to Make Walking a Daily Habit

Wednesday the 2nd of April is National Walking Day, celebrated on the first Tuesday of April every year, this holiday’s purpose is to raise awareness for the health benefits of every day, casual physical activity. Including reducing the risk of heart disease, improving mental well-being and maintaining a healthy weight. Many people and communities observe this holiday by organizing group walks.

There are many benefits to regular walking. According to the British Heart Foundation, Just 11 minuets of walking a day can reduce risk of developing heart and circulatory diseases. Regular, low intensity exercise cam ease muscle pain and stiffness, improve your balance and slow bone loss as you age. Walking is also proven to boost your serotonin and dopamine level, help you sleep better, improve memory, and boost your immune system!

However, we most likely all know that we should be getting more frequent fresh air and exercise, but it’s the getting going that’s the hard part. It’s always hard to pick up new healthy habits, even when we are aware of the positive effects they will have. So in honour of National Walking day, here are some tips and tricks for making walking a daily habit.

Start Small

The worst thing you can do when trying out a new habit is starting out too strong and getting burnt out in the first week. You may be excited to push yourself, but if you go too big at the beginning you won’t gave any room to grow. Start with a few minutes of walking a day and gradually build yourself up to the full-day hikes. And remember, there is no shame in going at your own pace!

Multipurpose Walk

Maybe you can’t find a slot in your packed schedule for some dedicated walking time, no worries! Walking is a great thing to do while multi-tasking. Try walking to work, to school, to the shops or to run errands, if you can get your 10-30mins of exercise in while also traveling to a location you save time on scheduling dedicated work-out time. You can also utilise work walking into your down-time, adding headphones so you can absorb a new album or audio book on your stroll makes exercise feel a lot more enjoyable. Or how about catching up with friends for a walk in a local park instead of for coffee or drinks?!

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Make It Fun

Sometimes we all need a little motivation to get going, and just going outside and walking around your street can sound pretty boring. So why not make it a game?

Find a walking buddy an challenge them to a friendly competition on who should get them most steps in every week. Track your progress and reward yourself when you reach milestones (such as, “I will buy myself takeout lunch on Friday if get an hour of walking every in every day between now and the”). Or if you are interested in wildlife, challenge yourself to spot all the different kinds of birds or plants in your local area and check them off a list as you go.

Have the Correct Equipment 

Although it’s not as intensive as other workouts, it’s still important that you go into it prepared, not having suitable and comfortable clothing. Walking outside in all weather conditions can be challenging. Walking in the wind, rain and cold still has all the health benefits as a walk in the sun, as long as you make sure you are dressed appropriately. The same goes for hot weather, a always make sure your head and skin are shaded from the heat and you are well hydrated when walking in high temperature.

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