The importance of international woman’s day

Here at Peper Harow we proudly support all women, the women who work at every level of our company, that take pride in supporting one another and provide our customers with luxury products and a great experience, to our customers, who we hope to, in at least some small way, help feel comfortable and confidant when they wear our socks.

That is why we celebrate international woman’s day every year as a company. You may have heard of this holiday, but not everyone understands the importance of It and why it is celebrated on the 8th of march every year.

The first Women's Day was held in New York in 1909. It was inspired by a garment workers' strike the year before. Since then, every year people have used the day as an opportunity to highlight the inequality that women face.

Celebrate women's achievements

International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements in all fields, from influential activists, hard-working businesswomen and inspirational celebrities. Additionally, celebrating women who contribute to your local community or family is a great way to honour International Women’s Day, say thank you to the women in your life whose hard work might go unappreciated of unrecognised.

 Raise awareness

Although gender equality has progressed in leaps and bounds in recent history, we still have a long way to go. Such as the gender pay gap, in all industries there is a noticeable pattern of women being paid less than their male counterparts. For example, in fashion, ASOS reported a gender pay gap of 45.5% in 2022 and Burberry reported a gender pay gap of 26%. It is important to draw attention to issues such as these so that they can be solved. You may want to honour International Women’s Day this year supporting organizations such as who are working hard to assure that women get the pay that they deserve.

Empower women

International Women’s Day is the perfect opportunity to lift-up women of all ages. Highlight important female role models and ensure that young women and girls have positive and inspirational figure to look up to. Encourage and support the women around you in whatever they do, let them know that they are capable of succeeding and that they deserve happiness and fulfilment in whatever form they choose.


The 8th of March is a good day to listen to women and the injustices they face, and use your platform and your voice to spread awareness of issues and encourage women to feel strong and empowered. However, it is important to honour this all year round, if reading or hearing about women’s rights movements during International Women’s Day has inspired you to learn more or get involved that’s great! There are many ways you can get involved with supporting the cause all year round. You can support female artists, shop from women-owned businesses, or work with charities that help women. Wish is a user-led woman's organisation that helps support women’s mental health, and Women for Refugee Women is a UK charity supporting female refugees. They are both amazing places to start if you want to look more into how you can support women all year round.